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Zigbee Wireless Technology

How Our Smart Wireless Technology Works

Zigbee Wireless Technology

Our Smart Devices use a technology called Zigbee to connect devices in their own network. The Aqara Smart Hub acts as a “Zigbee Router”, creating its own wireless network for our other Aqara devices to connect to.

Here’s a simple map of how our Aqara devices can be set up.


In this case, our Aqara G2H Pro works as a hub – meaning all the other Aqara devices are linked to it by Zigbee wireless. The Smart switch, in turn, is controlling the circuit to power a light fixture on and off. As all the devices are linked to the hub, the hub can now then send and receive commands to each smart device.

The smart hub connects to your home’s wifi network, provided by your existing router. This enables you to use your smart phone (also connected to home wifi) to access and configure the settings of your smart devices